Gravity VR

In this captivating VR story, you'll encounter two elderly brothers who lead a surprisingly ordinary and peaceful life amidst the chaos. Until one day...


Experience their emotional journey firsthand and discover what awaits them at the bottom.


Gravity VR is a wild ride through a chaotic world. In this experience you follow the last moments of two old brothers while free falling for 15 minutes. An emotional and thrilling journey in a surreal universe with no ground beneath your feet. A parable, a fable, an interactive experience.


  • VR 6DoF interactive roomscale
  • Duration(s):
  • 17'
  • Language(s):
  • English
  • Chinese
  • Audience(s):
  • General audience


Directors: Fabito Rychter, Amir Admoni

Executive producer: Delirium XR

Narrators: Peter Baker (EN), Mauro Rychter (PT)
