Gloomy Eyes

Narrated by Colin Farrell, Gloomy Eyes tells the story of the sun who got tired of humans and decided to hide and never rise again.

When the sun got tired of humans it decided to hide and never rise again The darkness awoke the dead from their graves. After the sun retreated and darkness engulfed the world, an oppressive leader has made being a zombie against the law, their very existence is illegal. They are forced to hide in the forest, away from dangerous zombie hunters. At night when the hunters retreat into their homes, the cold sunless world becomes calm and quiet. A zombie kid called Gloomy wanders alone, out of sight… This zombie is different. Truth is, he doesn’t feel too comfortable around others of his kind. Gloomy is not like other zombies. He has something inside him that we can’t see or understand. But Nature knows he’s special.


  • VR 6DoF linear
  • Duration(s):
  • 3x10'
  • Language(s):
  • Chinese
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Spanish
  • Audience(s):
  • General audience


Directors: Fernando Maldonado, Jorge Tereso

Co-producers: Atlas V, ARTE France, 3DAR, HTC VIVE

Actors: Tahar Rahim (FR), Colin Farrell (EN), Max Riemelt (DE), Jorge Drexler (ES), Jam Hsiao (ZHO).
