Escape to Shanghai follows Doris Fogel’s epic journey from Nazi Germany to Shanghai, China making a temporary home and a new life cut off from the horrors playing out in German-occupied Europe.
Filmed on location in Shanghai, Chicago, and Berlin, Doris's story is brought to life using 360 video technology alongside 3D environments, animation, motion capture and a spatial soundtrack.
Shedding light on a lesser known, but important part of the Holocaust, Escape to Shanghai captures the fierce perseverance of Doris and her family as refugees fighting for survival.
In Memory of: Hugo Friedmann, Edith Warschawski
Director: Charlotte Mikkelborg
Producer: Micaela Blitz
Executive producers: East City Films (Ashley Cowan, Darren Emerson), IHMEC (Kelley Szany, Arielle Weininger, Amanda Friedeman, Lea Rauch)
Director of Photography: Jon Boyce
VR Camera Operator: Andrew Yardley
Post Production Supervisor: Conan Roberts